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Why the “Spray and Pray” approach to email marketing just doesn’t cut it

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October 2024

Are your email marketing efforts falling short of expectations? The problem might be that you're trying to reach everyone but not truly connecting with anyone. The “Spray and Pray” approach is a common misstep in email marketing, but it’s one we can avoid. In this edition of Verra Insights, we delve into why this tactic fails and share effective strategies to boost your email marketing ROI.

At a glance

  • Personalisation boosts email engagement, driving open rates by 10-15% and click-through rates by 20-25%.
  • Targeted email campaigns yield an ROI of 46:1 compared to 13:1 for non-targeted campaigns.
  • Continuous optimisation through data analysis ensures sustained marketing success.
  • Engaging content like whitepapers and case studies significantly enhances customer interaction and conversions.


Diluted messages miss the mark

Imagine this: you've spent hours crafting the perfect email campaign, only to see dismal open rates and even lower engagement. It's frustrating, but you're not alone. Many marketers face this challenge, often because their messages are too broad and fail to resonate.

In fact, a report by Econsultancy found that 74% of marketers believe targeted personalisation increases customer engagement.

This isn't just a belief—data supports it. Personalised emails see a 10-15% higher open rate and 20-25% higher click-through rates than generic ones, demonstrating the power of connecting with your audience on a deeper level. By leveraging targeted personalisation, you can speak directly to the needs and interests of each segment, rather than casting a wide net with generic messaging. Our experience shows that this approach yields significantly better results.

In a recent campaign we managed, our targeted four-email account-based marketing (ABM) approach aimed at distinct segments outperformed industry norms, achieving open rates well above the average 15-20%, with one sequence even reaching 40%. This demonstrates how personalised, segmented messaging can significantly enhance engagement compared to broad outreach.


Your budget is precious—don’t waste it

Spreading your budget too thin results in lower ROI. Recent findings show that targeted email campaigns generate an ROI of 46:1, compared to just 13:1 for non targeted campaigns. Focusing your budget on specific, high-potential segments yields better returns.

In one instance, a client in the sliding door solutions space aimed to introduce their latest product through an email campaign, focusing on its unique value propositions. Instead of casting a wide net, we advised them to concentrate their efforts on a select group of high-potential leads—specifically architects and designers who had previously shown interest but had become inactive. By focusing the budget and messaging on this targeted segment, we were able to reignite their interest, effectively opening the door for further communication and setting the stage for future engagement.

This approach not only maximised the impact of their budget but also ensured that their efforts were directed where they would yield the most significant returns.


Ignoring data insights limits effectiveness

Marketing success hinges on continuous optimisation. If a campaign isn’t performing well, don’t just pray—identify the issue and fix it! Regular A/B testing, performance reviews, and data analysis are essential to keeping your strategies effective and adaptive.

Netflix leverages data insights to enhance email marketing by creating personalised campaigns based on users' watch history. Each email includes a curated list of new shows, skimmable visuals, and a clear CTA to watch trailers, with a “Top Picks for You” section further engaging users. This data-driven strategy significantly boosts engagement and conversion rates, demonstrating the power of personalised, data-informed email marketing.


Failing to provide useful content reduces engagement

Engaging content drives conversions. Dynamic, useful resources like whitepapers, guides, or case studies can serve as powerful hooks. These tailored resources meet specific recipient needs, driving higher engagement and conversions.

For instance, HubSpot’s email newsletters often feature educational content, such as marketing tips, sales strategies, and industry insights, which keep their audience informed and engaged. They also use personalised recommendations based on user behaviour to deliver the most relevant content to each recipient, increasing open and click-through rates. By continuously delivering high-quality, relevant email content, HubSpot keeps its audience engaged, drives meaningful interactions, and maintains high customer loyalty.


In conclusion

The success of your email marketing hinges on understanding your audience and delivering tailored, relevant content. From targeted personalisation to leveraging data insights and providing valuable resources, each step plays a crucial role in enhancing engagement and driving results.

At Verra Asia, we help our clients focus on marketing strategies that are targeted and data-driven. By really getting to know our audience, we can craft messages that resonate, build stronger connections, and see better returns on our marketing investments.

Ready to elevate your marketing strategy and overcome common pitfalls? Connect with us today for tailored guidance and support. At Verra Asia, we specialise in crafting approaches that drive tangible and sustainable growth for your business.

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